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Showing posts from June, 2020

Miss you dad...

There isn’t a person who does not have a support, an inspiration, a friend, and a helping hand… You might think finding all this in a single person is hard. But, there is a person; your father. He will always be there to help you, to support you in tough times, to question your actions so that you improve, to motivate you… For me, my father is all this and more. He makes me a better person, student, player and so on… He has always been with me to help me with my studies, play with me, does everything with me. He is a kind-hearted soul who takes every decision for the benefit of others. My father stays up all night if I am sick… My father is abroad. So, when I fall sick, the person for whose presence I yearn for most is my father’s…When he would come home, we used to go for outings and movies together… Now, when I and my mom go for an outing together, I really miss his presence. When we have family gatherings or outings with all my cousins, his humour keeps our spirits up the whol

Man Vs Wild ; Pardon us 'Nature'

Tomorrow is World Environment Day. So, I guess it will be usual for a person to think of what humankind has done for, and done to, nature… Thinking about it, will make one realize, that man has done much more harm to nature, than good for it. How many lives have we taken? How many homes have we destroyed? I remember reading that if you put the events in which different creatures first appeared on earth, humans were  very late. So, compared to other creatures, we spent very less time on earth. But, we have given it most losses… Our generation never got to see the marvellous sight of a Tasmanian tiger looking out on to lowlands standing on its tail, or a dodo bird   swallowing stones and our future generations might not even see the adorable sight of a panda if the situation goes on like this… Nature gave us a home, shelter, clothes, food, knowledge and medicines… But what have we given it? We only started thinking about our mother nature, when we were also affected by the problems